Thursday, July 29, 2010

Start up gear, and kids. Lesson 2

Kids are fast. Trying to get a good photo of a kid between the ages of 3 months and 5 years can be a challenge. Although you don't need a DSLR to get photos of kids in action, I won't lie to you, it helps...a lot.

You can pick up an inexpensive used kit for around $300 (or less). I took these photos with my back up body and lens, a Canon XT (bought used for $275) and a 18-55 kit lens (mine was new but you can get them used for $50).

With shooting kids you have to be fast, and with DSLR's you have a quick shutter to picture time. I am sure there is a technical term for this, but when you push the trigger the picture snaps, none of this "press the button and wait five seconds for the camera to work" With a entry level camera (if you are shooting jpeg only) you can get 4-5 shots in a SECOND.

Being able to take lots of photos helps when shooting kids. You can delete the 100 that don't work and keep the best.
You don't need amazing gear to take amazing photos. If you want to jump into the next level of photography maybe pick up a used DSLR instead of the latest point-and-shoot (that will probably die before it's out of the I right Amanda?)
Next lesson.... 18-55mm 3.5-5.6 What do those numbers mean?

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